Acupuncture is a technique in which very thin needles of varying lengths are inserted through the skin to treat a variety of conditions by restoring balance and healthy energy flow to the body.
Acupuncture works through the activation of “points” along pathways called acupuncture meridians. There are twelve primary acupuncture meridians that flow throughout the body covering all major areas on the torso, arms, and legs.
Meridians also represent an internal system of communication between specific organs or networks of organs. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, illness may occur when the energy flow along one or more meridians is blocked or out of balance.
Each person who performs acupuncture has a unique style, often blending aspects of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. Although acupuncture is it’s best known technique, Chinese medicine traditionally utilizes herbal remedies, dietary therapy, lifestyle changes and other means to treat patients.