Entries by admin

Running Gait Analysis San Diego

Running Gait Analysis San Diego A running gait analysis helps identify common running form inefficiencies that may result in injury or at the very least decrease running performance. Our running gait analysis program in San Diego California takes a runner through multiple trials of treadmill running with video feedback. Based on the video analysis and […]

Shin Splints Treatment with Graston Technique

Graston Technique is an Effective Way to Alleviate Shin Splint Pain Shin splints is a frustrating condition that affects many active individuals especially runners and those who are in the military. Usually shin splints are a product of doing “too much, too soon” and causes pain along the tibia of the lower leg. Shin splints […]

Exercise to Combat Low back Pain in San Diego

Low back pain is a painful, frustrating, and sometimes disabling condition. There are many different causes of low back pain (Different Types of Low Back Pain) but there are similar characteristics among back pain conditions that can be addressed to help address it. Common risk factors that are associated with low back pain are: Tall […]

Tennis Elbow Treatment with Flexbar

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. We may earn an affiliate commission if you click on a link and purchase an item we recommend. This doesn’t add any additional cost to you, but helps support our business. Tennis Elbow Eccentric Exercises Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is characterized by pain and […]

Manage Triathlon Injuries and Training

Triathlon season is in full swing here in San Diego. With local races nearly every weekend, many triathletes have trouble balancing time between training, family, jobs, and racing competitively. Many triathletes begin to notice nagging triathlon injuries that are consistently getting worse as the season continues. Should they take a break to heal? Maybe. It […]

Stretches for Sciatica

A quick google search for stretches for sciatica will reveal hundreds of websites and videos that show how to stretch for sciatic nerve symptoms. Some of that information may be extremely beneficial. Some of that information may be prolonging your recovery and making your condition worse. Our San Diego based chiropractors treat many conditions that […]

Sciatica- Conservative Management San Diego

Sciatica is a term that encompasses any condition that that can effect the sciatic nerve. Low back and hip injuries are the most common types of injuries that produce sciatica or sciatic symptoms. Less commonly, peripheral entrapment of the nerve around the hamstrings, and lower leg muscles cause sciatica symptoms in the back of the […]

IT Band Syndrome: 5 Training Tips

Trying to run with IT band syndrome is very frustrating. Often times, a runner can run with IT band syndrome for a certain amount of time until the pain comes back or becomes so unbearable that they have to limp home from their run. Our chiropractors treat runners who run with IT band syndrome as […]