Entries by admin

Shin Splints and Running

Shin splints can be a frustrating condition to deal with. There are two types: anterior and posterior shin splints. Anterior shin splints are more common in beginner runners and doing “too much too soon” when starting a running training plan.  Posterior shin splints are more common in over trained runners; too much load over time, […]

Different Types of Low Back Pain

Common Causes of Low Back Pain Low back pain is a very common issue experienced by the the general population at some point in life. Estimates vary but on average, about 38% of the general population experience low back pain in a year period.(2) Low back injury symptoms include: localized soreness, stiffness, and pain, radiating […]

Benefits of Sports Chiropractic

Sports Chiropractic Benefits In general, chiropractic care is excellent for treating many different muskuloskeletal conditions. Many people also seek sports chiropractic care to recover from sport related injury, improve sport performance and avoid potential re-injury through regular maintenance visits. Unfortunately, not all chiropractors are trained to specifically diagnose and treat sport related injuries. If you […]

What is Chiropractic Care?

What is Chiropractic Care? Chiropractors are trained to evaluate, diagnose and treat neuromuscular and musckuloskeletal conditions. It is a common misconception that chiropractors only treat spinal conditions with spinal manipulative therapy, or adjusting techniques. In fact, chiropractors treat a wide array of muskuloskeletal conditions which include neck pain, back pain, and headaches but also tendon […]

Walking Hip Hike for Running

Walking Hip Hike for Running Running is essentially a one legged sport when you break it down. One leg touches the ground, supports the body moving forward, and then lifts as the second leg touches down. The walking hip hike drill shown below is great for the following: activate glute stabilizing muscles, improve single leg […]

Cross-Over Gait Correction

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. We may earn an affiliate commission if you click on a link and purchase an item we recommend. This doesn’t add any additional cost to you, but helps support our business. How to Fix a Cross-Over Gait The best way to work on cross–over gait […]

Do you Run with a Cross-Over Gait?

Do you Run with a Cross-Over Gait? A cross-over gait, also known as a “tightrope” gait, involves running with your feet crossing the midline of your body. As each foot crosses midline, it appears as if you a running along a tightrope. This running style decreases running efficiency and may set you up for future […]

Improve Running Posture

Improve Running Posture Running posture is essentially how you hold your body while running…simple! When looking at the running posture of elite runners, there are quite a few similarities: they run tall, have a subtle forward lean while they are running, limit their up/down movement, and limit their side to side movement. Let’s take a […]

Increase your Cadence!

Increase Your Cadence! Increasing running cadence will help reduce your risk for injury, and make you a more efficient runner (potentially faster runner as well)! Now that you know the benefit of increasing cadence, let’s go back and look and some of the main points that go into tweaking this aspect of running. Break the […]