Back pain prevention is something we do best from stay-at-home moms to advanced athletes. Learn how we can reduce your back pain.
Low Back Pain Exercises
/in Back Pain Prevention, Low Back Pain, Low back Sports Injury/by Dr. Travis RoseMany people experience low back pain each year. Because the low back is a complex structure of joints, discs, ligaments, and muscles, the source of pain can be tricky to determine. Low back pain exercises are a must to help with the healing process and decrease your risk for a future injury.
Starting patients off with low back pain exercises, we like to address the back and hip tissue tightness, and mobility. In most cases of low back pain, the muscles of the back and hip develop trigger points. Trigger points are focal areas of hypersensitive fibers that cause local pain and refer pain. Performing low back pain exercises that target these tight spots can have significant effect at decreasing symptoms.
Here are our favorite low back pain exercises to help address tight, sore muscles in the back and hip.
Low Back Pain Exercises: Self Massage Technique
A massage ball to the lower back can be very effective at loosening your the lower back muscles. We like lacrosse balls as they are very firm and easily press into the low back muscles. Some people with smaller or thin body types may find the lacrosse ball to be too uncomfortable. Tennis ball, or racquet ball may work better.
Here is a nice video demonstration on how to perform lower back self massage.
Gluteal Self Massage
The second of the low back pain exercises we like to prescribe is self massage for the gluteal muscles. Again we like a lacrosse ball as it gets deep into the dense hip musculature. Try this one out on the wall. You can easily control the pressure from the ball and access different angles into the muscles easily. This exercise is also excellent in managing Iliotibial Band Syndrome.
Child’s Pose
An easy, but effective exercise to help with low back pain, stiffness, and tightness. This one of the more gentle low back pain exercises. It simultaneously stretches the low back muscles, while decompressing the low back joints and discs. Our video shows how to perform Child’s pose on multiple directions.
Lower Back Pain Decompression Exercise
Many people have heard of inversion tables to help take pressure of the low back. They are absolutely effective for many types of low back pain but they are expensive and they take up a lot of room. The decompression stretch below, utilizes a Swiss ball to provide a fulcrum which helps take pressure off the lumbar spine. You must be very relaxed when performing this exercise. You should not experience any pain with it at all
Low back pain exercises are a must in any treatment protocol for the low back. We start patients with exercises on the first day of treatment for the best outcomes. If you are in need of an evaluation and treatment, please schedule with us today! We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego near the neighborhoods of La Jolla, Carmel Valley, Mission Hills, Hillcrest, and Bird Rock.
Drs Travis and Kevin Rose are sports chiropractors in San Diego, California. They treat a wide range of injuries and have helped thousands of patients get back to their potential. Athletes themselves, they understand the importance of recovering from injury and returning to sport.
Low Back Pain and Cycling
/in Back Pain Prevention, Conditions, cycling injury, Uncategorized/by adminLow back pain affects many cyclists and triathletes. The nature of the sport puts the low back at risk for developing an injury. Cyclists are bent forward for several hours at a time which can cause excessive compression, and stretching into the lower back. Low back pain and cycling position go hand in hand. I am not just talking about getting a bike fit to cure all of you back pain ailments. I am talking about HOW to position yourself in the best possible way to minimize stress into your low back. Lets dive in!
What Causes Low Back Pain During Cycling?
There are a few factors that cause lower back pain while cycling. The first is a phenomenon called, “ligamentous creep”. Our ligaments are the strong supports structures of the spine and are resistant to stretch. However, this rigid structures will begin to stretch when held in a lengthened position over a long period of time. When the ligaments are stretched and not supporting your back as they are designed to do, injury can occur. Pedaling forcefully with an unstable back will lead to more lower back strain. The more strain will result in pain during and after cycling.
Muscles will also cause myofascial pain when strained. When in a bent forward position, the lower back muscles often get sore and painful as the ride continues. They support the back as best as possible but eventually fatigue, over stretch and then become a source pain.
The last common causes of low back pain in cyclists are joint and disc related low back pain. We see this type of pain in patients with preexisting arthritis in their lower back and or previous injury. Bent forward positions can cause aggravation to previous disc injuries such as annular tearing, bulge, and herniation.
Bike Fit Cures Low Back Pain Right?
Bike fit is HUGELY important for helping manage low back pain and any other musculoskeletal issue for that matter. However, you must learn how to position your body and coordinate your muscles to help support your spine! Even with the best bike fit, low back pain can persist if you are not positioning yourself correctly. I will not get into specific bike fit changes that can help with low back pain. Saddle position and type are two factors that allow a cyclist to adopt a more stable position for their back.
Proper Bike Position For Low Back Pain
In the video, I discuss strategies to get the most out of your core muscles to protect your lower back. Not only will you protect your body, you will increase your performance! Sitting properly and engaging the correct muscles will put more power to the pedals!
Bike fit, proper positioning, and a routine core/flexibility program will help keep you pain free and enjoy riding your bike! For further improvement in bike positioning check our our blog post on positioning for neck pain and headaches. Consult a sports chiropractor familiar with cycling if you are dealing with an injury. We treat countless cyclists and triathletes at our San Diego based sports chiropractic clinic, Peak Form health Center. We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego! Schedule online by clicking on the “Schedule an Appointment” tab above.
Exercise to Combat Low back Pain in San Diego
/in Back Pain Prevention, Sports Injury/by adminLow back pain is a painful, frustrating, and sometimes disabling condition. There are many different causes of low back pain (Different Types of Low Back Pain) but there are similar characteristics among back pain conditions that can be addressed to help address it. Common risk factors that are associated with low back pain are: Tall stature, obesity, weak core musculature, muscle imbalances, prior back injury, family members with low back pain, improper lifting or exercises mechanics. In our chiropractic office in Mission Valley, San Diego, near Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Hillcrest, and North Park, we see many types of low back pain. Majority of the time we need to address the functionality of the core. Many patients who are experiencing low back pain often carry their low backs in a disengaged position which causes hyperextension and irritation of the joints of the low back. This hyperextended position is often due to inhibition (inability to control) of the core musculature. By addressing this inhibition, patients begin to learn proper “lumbopelvic” control and posture, meaning they are able to hold their back in a stable position during their daily activities. The following low back exercise for low back pain, called the dead bug, is an excellent drill to utilize to teach patients how to use their deeper core musculature which is important in getting patients out of low back pain. The more control that is developed in these muscles, the more stable the back will be and less prone to causing pain.
“Dead Bug” Core Exercise
Start by laying on the ground with the legs bent 90 degrees at the knee and above the hip. Now, there should be an arch in the lower back or in other words, some space between the ground and the low back. Press the low back in towards the ground; this engages the deep abdominal and spinal core muscles. If you have pain when pressing down, try rolling up a towel about 1″ thick and place that under the low back for support. Hold the core engaged and slowly straighten one leg toward the ground about 6″ from the ground and back; repeat on the other leg. It is important to keep the back pressed toward the ground to develop the lower abdominal strength. Repeat this exercise, 3 x 10 nice and slow! If you can’t make it to 10 before you fatigue and the back arches, then stop on whatever rep it is that you maintain proper back position. Check out the video below for more details for the “dead bug” exercise.
If you are having low back pain, please get a full evaluation before attempting any new exercise routine. Back pain is complex and not all exercises work for every type of low back pain. Get a proper diagnosis with one of our sports chiropractors today. We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego. We are near the neighborhoods of La Jolla, UTC, Poway, Scripps Ranch, and Normal Heights. We are experienced in treating all types of low back pain!
How to Perform an Effective Hip Flexor Stretch
/in Back Pain Prevention, Conditions, Sports Injury/by adminA Safe and Effective Hip Flexor Stretch
The main muscles that make up the “hip flexors” are the rectus femoris, iliacus, and psoas major. This muscle group can become overactive and tight resulting in a variety of musculoskeletal issues. Many people perform a hip flexor stretch as a routine, or to help with a specific condition: knee pain, hip pain, back pain. Unfortunately, we see many patients who are performing a hip flexor stretch incorrectly and are exacerbating their condition. Take back pain as an example. Tight hip flexors can cause abnormal posture through the low back resulting in joint compression and irritation. Many patients will then stretch the hip flexors aggressively to help alleviate the symptoms. However, in an effort to loosen up the hip flexors, patients are compromising their low back by compressing a twisting the joints. To stretch the hip flexors properly, there are a few cues that you want to pay close attention to. Take a look at the following video; we go through the proper set up and execution of a safe hip flexor stretch.
Now, if you search “Best hip flexor stretch” you will get thousands of results and some are going to look really cool, and effective. At our chiropractic office in Mission Valley, San Diego we strive for keeping the exercises simple, accessible, and effective. Many of the “cool” or “aggressive” hip flexor stretches often put patients into compromised positions for their condition. Try this version of the hip flexor stretch. If you are suffering from low back, knee, or hip pain, please schedule with us to get a full evaluation. We specialize in treating sports injuries and tight hip flexors are a common presentation we see in our athletes as well as our workforce patients. Our office, Peak Form Health Center, is conveniently located off Texas Street, in Mission Valley, San Diego.
Stretches for Sciatica
/in Back Pain Prevention/by adminA quick google search for stretches for sciatica will reveal hundreds of websites and videos that show how to stretch for sciatic nerve symptoms. Some of that information may be extremely beneficial. Some of that information may be prolonging your recovery and making your condition worse. Our San Diego based chiropractors treat many conditions that irritate the sciatic nerve.
There are many different causes of sciatic nerve irritation so each patient may receive a different treatment approach depending on their presentation. One common occurrence that we see however is that many patients are already performing stretches for the sciatic nerve. When asked to show the stretches, the patient often puts out a straight leg and bends forward to touch their toes. We then ask, “What are you feeling when you are stretching?” and the response is, “A really good stretch from my butt all the way to my calf.” The issue with this stretch is that, there is no muscle that goes from the butt down to the middle calf. What they are feeling is the sciatic nerve being pulled and stretched.

This is likely a stretch that will irritate the sciatic nerve. Especially is the sciatica is due to a back injury.
Should I do Stretches for Sciatica?
Maybe. This is when the advice from our San Diego sciatic nerve specialistS becomes invaluable. In general, nerves do not like to be stretched; they are inflexible and not made of the same tissues as your muscles. The stretch described above can be very aggravating to the sciatic nerve. When the leg is straight and a person bends forward at the waist to stretch the legs out, the sciatic nerve is maximally stretched. The low back is pulling the sciatic nerve up and the foot on the ground is keeping the nerve anchored. The nerve is very tense in this position and will get irritated if there is a condition affecting the nerve.
Stretches for sciatica should be prescribed specifically for each patient. That is why an evaluation by our San Diego sports chiropractor can help get you on a proper treatment plan immediately. One of the stretches that can be safe for most sciatic nerve issues is a lying face up active hamstring stretch. The video below shows the stretch in action. The idea is the low back is in a safe, neutral position. The thigh is brought up toward the chest and stays there when the patient slowly straightens the leg. Once a stretch is felt in the hamstrings not the sciatic nerve, the leg stops moving. There will be a significant bend in the knee. This means there is slack in the sciatic nerve as it is no longer getting stretched from the low back while anchored to the ground with a straight leg. The nerve will not get irritated in this position. If you have back pain, hip pain, back of leg pain or any symptoms that you associate with sciatic nerve pain, avoid this stretch and seek the help from your San Diego chiropractor. Perform 20 repetitions with only a brief hold, repeat multiple times per day.
Dr. Kevin Rose DC DACBSP and Dr.Travis Rose DC CCSP are Sports Chiropractors located in Mission Valley, San Diego. We are near the neighborhoods of Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Bird Rock, La Jolla, Clairemont Mesa, Tierrasanta, La Mesa, Mission Hills, Hillcrest, and Downtown. They see a wide variety of injuries including: running injuries, baseball injuries, swimming injuries, cycling injuries, and other sport related injuries. Schedule to get evaluated and treated today!
Four Sports That Affect Your Back The Most
/in Back Pain Prevention/by adminParticipation in sports is an important part of people’s daily routine and many enjoy staying active by engaging in different sports to help maintain a healthy lifestyle! While staying active is a vital part of everyday life, sports such as golf, baseball, basketball, and football are prone to cause injury and pain, especially in the lower back. Knowing which sports are likely to affect specific areas of the back can help with identifying the right preventive action steps. Below is a simple list of how these four sports affect your back and a few ways to fix the issues that may arise:
Although golf is often seen as an activity of leisure, injuries that result from this sport are very common. One recent study showed that during a two year period, 60 percent of golf professionals and 40 of amateurs suffered either a traumatic or overuse injury while golfing. Over 80 percent of the reported injuries were related to overuse. Of all injuries, low back pain is the most common in golf. This can be contributed to the one side nature of the swing and the repetitive nature of the swing. This causes repeated use and eventually overuse of certain muscles and joints, especially in the lumbar spine, and over time can lead to injury. In some causes, older golfers may experience arthritic changes in their spine that has resulted from the repetitive nature of the golf swing. Interestingly, most golfers get back pain on the side of their back swing.
Baseball players are more susceptible to lower back injuries because, similar to golf, baseball is a predominately one-sided sport that requires repeated motion to perfect. In baseball players, the repeated rotation of both swinging and throwing can lead to overload of the tissues of the low back and, over time, can cause strain of the muscles and joints of the area. Notable players repeated bouts of low back pain this season include David Wright, Shane Victorino, and Adrian Beltre.
Unlike baseball and golf, basketball is not a one-sided sport, which can help players be more balanced. However, the risk to the low back that occurs with basketball is repeated jumping. The repeated explosive pattern of jumping and the jarring during landing can lead to overload of the spine and result in injury to the ligaments or bone. Recently, several high profile players, including Blake Griffin and Joel Embiid, suffered stress fractures in their lower back that were believed to be caused by the repeated loading of their spine.
Football is a sport that requires much physical wear and tear on the body. It is said that playing football is like being in multiple crashes repeatedly. The effect on the low back can be profound. Some football players may develop earlier onset of arthritis in their spine from the repeated trauma.
Professional athletes understand the deleterious effects that their sport have on their bodies and for this reason they seek out care to treat their injuries and maintain their bodies. Amateur athletes often put the same wear and tear on their bodies but do not take care of themselves in the same manner. Proform Sports Chiropractic treats professional athletes and amateur athletes alike while specializing in professional care for all. Schedule an appointment today to get treated like a pro.
6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care You Didn’t Know About
/in Back Pain Prevention, Conditions, Sports Injury/by adminChiropractic care is the natural approach to relieving back pain and has been proven to assist in discovering a path of wellness and health! Chiropractic care is a proactive way of relieving pain in the back and can truly change one’s lifestyle for the better! A licensed chiropractor can adjust the part of the spinal and joint function, to relieve any pain and promote overall wellness! For those of you who may be skeptical and tend to rely on modern medicine, chiropractic care is definitely worth trying out! Here are 6 benefits of chiropractic care that you didn’t know about:
Relief from Back and Neck Pain
One of the major benefits that comes with going with a chiropractor is the healing of your back and neck. In many cases, prolonging the pain will only make it much worst. British Medical Journal 2003 did a study involving 183 patients who were struggling with neck pain who received chiropractic adjustments as well as some general practitioner care. The results of the study showed that the the healing results were much faster in the patients who had received the chiropractic adjustments as opposed to those who used other methods. Patients who had been dealing with back pain discovered the same results as those who were in the study that Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. The study resulted in higher satisfaction than those who went to family physicians. If you are dealing with pain in these areas, don’t hesitate to get to the base of the problem and experience effective results with chiropractic care!
Improved Posture
Many go through life with poor posture. Whether the shoulders are slouched with the back curved or your neck sticking out similar to that of a turtle. Unfortunately, mobile devices and computers in today’s day and age have caused much harm to everyone’s posture. To help regain great posture, chiropractors are able to perform posture evaluations to adjust your neck and back lifting so much weight off areas of pressure!
Relieve Headaches and Tension
It’s only natural to feel stressed out time after time when leading a fast-paced life! Along with tension comes migraines, and many patients solely depend on medication to relieve the pain. What many don’t realize is that migraines rank second after back pain as one of the most commonly treated issues treated by chiropractors. Chiropractic adjustments initiate relief and also reduce the chances of the pain from returning! This is the most important benefit. Relieve the migraine pain and also prevent them from returning.
Improve Physical Function and Performance
Chiropractic care is extremely effective among athletes of all kinds! This is because chiropractic care focuses on the musculoskeletal system and works to help you achieve the athletic performance you’ve been desiring to reach. Chiropractic is a perfect method to consider with any athletic injuries or to simply relieve muscle tension. Although these are some of the main treatments, chiropractic isn’t limited to just these treatments. Chiropractic care can simply improve your overall well-being!
Relief from Arthritis
According to the Arthritis Foundation, depending on a patient’s medical history, chiropractic care can help with arthritis! It’s important to find a chiropractor who is specializes in working with patients with arthritis to better diagnose and treat the pain. With rheumatoid arthritis, a doctor of chiropractic can present an exercise plan that will get you on the path to a happier and healthier you!
Improved Joint Motion and Coordination
Joint dysfunction in the spine can cause many different pain points. Even if the pain is not extremely sharp, it’s never a good idea to allow it to continue for an extended period of time without consulting your chiropractor or physician. To prevent pain from spreading to other areas of the of the body, regular chiropractic adjustments will improve any symptoms you may be experiencing!
5 Ways Athletes Can Avoid Sports Injuries
/in Back Pain Prevention, Sports Injury, Tips/by Dr. Kevin RoseAll sports have a risk for injury and some are serious enough to cost you an entire sports season or career. Luckily, they can be prevented if you are cautious in using the correct steps to protecting and warming up your body, along with allowing your body to rest. Here are 5 ways athletes can avoid sports injuries and stay in the game:
Get in shape before starting a new activity or sport
Expecting your sport to get you in shape without any additional exercise is a major mistake an athlete can make, especially if you are not accustomed to the full, physical intensity of a specific sport. Get in shape before you start your sport by incorporating regular exercise into your daily regimen. This can mean doing physical training or following an off season conditioning program that is designed for your sport, as it can build your balance of strength, agility, flexibility, coordination and endurance. Not only can it better your physical abilities, but also improve overall technique. Cross training is also an option that can prevent burn out and overuse injuries. Mixing routines and workouts can improve your range of movement and activate other muscle groups in your body, which in turn, improves performance during a game.
Warm up and cool down
Warming up and cooling down your body is just as important as the game itself. So before any type of vigorous movement, it’s crucial to prevent any potential risks for injury by protecting your muscles in the long-run. This means increasing your heart rate to get your body adjusted to continuous movement and warming up large muscle groups to activate certain parts of your body. Then, when your muscles are warm, strengthening and lengthening your muscles can not only assist you in your performance during the game, but also prevent any potential injuries.
After the game, it is important to cool down your body with stretches that can slowly and safely ease your heart rate. Instead of laying or sitting down in a stationary position, keep your body and your blood flow moving by taking a walk and/or stretching any fatigued muscles.
Wear protective gear
Many sports require gear such as helmets, cleats, pads (neck, shoulder, elbow, chest, knee, shin), face guards, mouthpieces, protective cups, and/or eyewear. Making sure your equipment is correct for your sport is also important. For example, wearing running shoes would be great for a marathon, but not for a soccer game. It’s crucial to wear properly fitting equipment to reduce the likelihood of major injuries, however, athletes should not assume that it will fully protect them. Along with proper technique and playing safe, all rules should be enforced and all gear should be in good condition and worn appropriately.
Stay hydrated
Many athletes underestimate their fluid needs and find themselves exhausted and dehydrated in the midst of an intense game. Dehydration leads to poor performance due to lower blood volume, which makes it more difficult to send oxygen to your muscles. Emphasizing fluid intake will not only keep your body cool, but also decrease your chances of feeling fatigued. Adequately hydrating before, during and after a game is important to replenish your body of all fluid loss. Depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise, incorporating some type of electrolyte can assist your body in getting the nutrients it needs. However, drinking plain water will suffice and will reduce the risk of dehydration.
Don’t play when you are injured
Although there are many ways to prevent sports injuries, injuries may still occur. Allowing your body to recover and rest to let the injury heal will be more beneficial to your body rather than “playing through the pain.”
There are two types of sports injuries: acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur suddenly while chronic injuries happen after playing a sport or exercising for a long time. When dealing with an acute injury, remember to use RICE: rest, ice compression, and elevation. When dealing with a chronic injury, it is important to contact a doctor and let them determine what precautions you should take before playing or exercising.
Additionally, even when you are not injured, fatigued muscles can put you at risk for potential injuries. It’s important to allow your body to have one day to recover, especially if you are continuously playing throughout the week. Ultimately, continuing to play during an injury can only make it worse and may even lead to chronic problems. Taking a few days off may prevent the loss of an entire season or career.
Good luck and play safe!
Tips To Improve Your Posture
/in Back Pain Prevention/by adminMany tips to improve your posture tend to focus only on what to do when sitting, but there are many things you can do to help your posture while you are standing and lying down as well. Good posture is important for helping the muscles work more efficiently, preventing stress and strain on the ligaments and much more. It’s easy to develop bad posture habits, but the sooner you start recognizing them, the sooner they can be corrected.
When you’re standing in one place, remember to keep your feet shoulder width apart. Try to put weight on the balls of your feet instead of all on your heels. It’s also helpful, of course, to wear good shoes with proper support. Additionally, you can help prevent slouching by keeping your shoulders pulled back and your stomach pulled in. If you are texting on your cell phone, avoid holding the phone so low that your head and neck are slouching downward for long periods of time.
Lying Down
Not everyone is aware that sleeping positions can affect posture. The first step to good sleep posture is to have a comfortable, good quality mattress. A mattress that has significant sagging can cause your spine to curve in an unnatural angle. Another important tip is to avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this forces your neck to the side for hours at a time. If you’re a side sleeper, it is a good idea to sleep with a pillow between your legs, while if you sleep on your back, it is a good idea to place a pillow underneath your knees for better spinal alignment.
Regular chiropractic adjustments are not only beneficial to those experiencing pain from their poor posture, but also as a preventative measure for those who are not currently noticing any problems. If you would like to learn more about how you can improve your posture, Peak Form Health Center would be happy to help!
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