Shockwave therapy for tennis elbow san diego

Shockwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow | San Diego, California

Shockwave therapy for tennis elbow is becoming the gold standard for conservative treatment of tennis elbow. Tennis Elbow is a painful repetitive strain injury affecting the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. So when the forearm muscles become overused (tennis or typing at work), they become very tight and strained. This results in an excessive pull […]

Facet joint syndrome and pain

Facet Joint Syndrome and Pain

Some of the links on this page regarding facet joint syndrome and pain are affiliate links. We may receive a small commission if you choose to click the link and purchase an item. By clicking, you are helping our small business and we thank you! We only link to products we believe in and use […]

Low back pain exercises

Low Back Pain Exercises

Many people experience low back pain each year. Because the low back is a complex structure of joints, discs, ligaments, and muscles, the source of pain can be tricky to determine. Low back pain exercises are a must to help with the healing process and decrease your risk for a future injury. Starting patients off […]

Home Treatment fr Plantar Fasciitis

Home Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis can be a frustrating condition to deal with for both the patient and the practitioner. While challenging, we have seen excellent results in resolving plantar fasciitis at our San Diego sports injury clinic. The combination of Graston/Active Release Technique combined with specific home treatment for plantar fasciitis work well to eliminate it for […]

Cycling and low back pain

Low Back Pain and Cycling

Low back pain affects many cyclists and triathletes. The nature of the sport puts the low back at risk for developing an injury. Cyclists are bent forward for several hours at a time which can cause excessive compression, and stretching into the lower back. Low back pain and cycling position go hand in hand. I […]

Bike Position Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck Pain and Headaches, Bike Position

Neck pain and headaches affect many cyclists and triathletes. The occurrence, and severity increases when a cyclists transitions to or consistently performs long distance cycling (2 hours or greater). It is fairly obvious why bike positioning could increase neck pain and headache symptoms. Cyclists hold relatively the same position for extended periods of time. This […]