
Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis San Diego

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis | San Diego

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis | San Diego

Plantar fasciitis is a frustrating condition that can linger for weeks, months, or even years. It is characterized by pain on the bottom of the heel and even into the arch of the foot. Usually the symptoms are worse when you take your first few steps out of bed. As you move around, symptoms lessen but do not go away. Treatment  is multifactorial, meaning several different approaches usually help fix the issue.

In our sports injury clinic in Mission Valley, San Diego we primarily use Active Release Technique, and Graston Technique treatment for plantar fasciitis. These treatments combined with treatment for plantar fasciitis at home, we see excellent outcomes.

Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

There are many causative factors for developing plantar fasciitis. Successful treatment of plantar fasciitis involves discovering the root cause of the injury. Here are the main factors that lead to plantar fasciitis:

  • Standing and walking on hard surfaces for long periods of time
  • Over training, especially with running
  • Excessive forceful jumping or pushing (basketball, football)
  • Ill fitting footwear or shoes without proper support
  • Excessive body weight
  • Congenital foot and lower extremity issues (flat arches, tibial torsion)

    Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis San Diego

 Conservative Treatment in San Diego

At our Mission Valley office, we have treated countless plantar fasciitis cases. Watch the video below to get a full understanding of how we treat plantar fasciitis.

After treatment we work with each and every patient to develop custom exercise programs for patients to perform at home. If a patient is diligent with their home care, patients often see great results.

Check out our blog post Top 7 Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis at Home. Usually we recommend a combination of those 7 recommendations to help with continued improvement.

If you have been experiencing heel pain and looking to get it resolved, please do not hesitate to schedule. Our  Sports Chiropractors are trained to properly diagnose plantar fasciitis and other conditions that may be affecting the heel. Our office is conveniently located in Mission Valley near Normal Heights, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, and Hillcrest.