
Shockwave therapy for knee pain

Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain

Shockwave therapy for knee pain is a very effective and efficient way to help manage painful knee symptoms. Many people experience knee pain due to patellofemoral pain syndrome, patellar tendonitis, knee arthritis, MCL sprain, pes anserine bursitis, etc. Shockwave therapy delivers high energy sounds waves into the injured tissues which causes an inflammatory response from the body. This inflammation produced by the body via the shockwaves helps the injured area regenerate, and increases the formation of blood vessels. This improvement in blood flow to the area allows for oxygen, nutrients, etc. to be delivered to the injured area.

Check out our video below and see how shockwave is applied to a painful knee. We also have successfully treated plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and different types of shoulder pain.

Shockwave therapy also has an analgesic effect. The acoustic waves disperse pain mediating neurotransmitters in the area. This means that the pain signals in the nerves are not able to send the signal to our spinal cord/brain. With less pain, we can then challenge the injured area more effectively with rehab exercises which will ultimately strengthen and bolster the injured area.

Shockwave After Knee Replacement Surgery

We have also had success with using shockwave therapy for patients who have had a previous knee replacement. Scar tissue, around the surgical site can cause pain and mobility issues which shockwave can improve. Shockwave therapy will help with the pain with the knee replacement and allow for exercise to help support the replaced knee joint.

Loading with Shockwave Therapy for Knee Pain

With all shockwave therapy, we utilize loading exercises which result in further strengthening of the injured area. This results in further improvement in the injured structures and build resiliency. For knee pain, it is important to load the quadriceps tendon, patellar tendon, and other muscles/tendons that surround the knee. As an example patellar tendon injuries have poor blood supply and the tendon is usually weakened to a degree. Shockwave for patellar tendinitis helps promote further blood flow, and beneficial inflammation while loading exercises build resiliency.

If you are dealing with knee pain and are looking for knee pain relief in San Diego, please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions and help with you getting back to activity pain free. Our San Diego Shockwave clinic is located in Mission Valley, San Diego.